Say hello to the elders of The Way. If you have a question for one of them or if you have a need, you can contact us by clicking here. Also, if you would like for them to be praying for you, you can click here.
Scott Dollar
- Husband to Kristi
- Father of 5
- Adoption advocate
- Church planter, founder of The Way
- Lifelong learner
- Gifted teacher
- Loves going to the ends of the earth
Eric Dukes
- Husband to Jessie
- Father of girls (5 of them!)
- Lover of the doctrines of grace
- Born 400 years too late
- Star Wars fanatic
- Working man
- Proclaimer of truth
- Gifted with wisdom
Ron Osborne
- Husband to Candy
- Father of 4
- Retired Army veteran
- Teacher of the Word
- Possessor of wisdom
- Steadfast, unwavering
- Desiring to see God change lives, free people
Brad Smith - Teaching Elder
- Husband to Ami
- Father of 9
- Foster Care and Adoption Advocate
- Expository preaching and bold evangelism
- Retired Army Veteran
- Author (amazon.com/author/smithbradford)
- Pumping Iron, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu lover
Josh Miller
- Husband to Katie
- Father of Reid
- Fired up for Jesus
- Gifted with service
- Talks to everyone, and gets their phone number to boot
- Buffalo Bills
- Humble and wise
- The man you want in your corner
Randall Wipf
- Husband to Dairian
- Old-school
- Hard work; Makes things happen
- Heart to serve
- Seeks to honor the Lord
- Defender of truth
- Who you want in your foxhole
- Holds men accountable
Team Leaders
Alex and Summer Martin - Children's Ministry
- Minister to all children
- Lovers of the Word
- a Servant's heart
- By their own admission, nerdy :)
- Star Wars!
- Best friends, faithful friends
Joy Perkins - Music Director
- Loves children, she's a teacher!
- Worshiper
- Cat mom, Robertson is the favorite
- Faithful friend and servant of the church
- Steadfast